Velocity Weight Loss- a one-a-day multi-vitamin, up to 8 hours energy, and weight loss supplement
[Please bear with me as I am not a guru full of lavish words to impress you. I will just tell you like it is and how 1ViZN's products are helping us and others.]
My husband Kyle started taking the "Velocity" Weight Loss pill on August 29th.
His beginning weight was: 303 pounds
Unfortunately all that Kyle has done to change his diet is he has cut out Pop, which he drank about 2-3 32oz. cups of Mt. Dew a day. He has also cut out french fries. He is not doing any exercise, except for the occasional walk from his classroom at the high school down to the gym or out to the field for football practice. I wish I could get him to go to the gym with me but I have failed at several attempts. I'm still working on him though :) because who knows how much more he could lose with "Velocity" if he started working out. I am still working on getting him to stay home long enough that we can get his measurements and take some pics for a before and after. I know you are looking forward to those. :)
Now just so you know - the Energy that you feel from "Velocity" will affect everyone differently.
When Kyle's brother, Dr. Gary Sanderson, started taking the pill back a couple of months ago he felt an extreme increase in energy. He remembers sitting in church about 30 minutes after popping the pill and he could not stop talking. He was listing off to his wife, at an incredible rate, the things that he needed to do that week and that he needed to get it done right now. -Gary lost about 25 pounds in 6 weeks.
Bruce Davis, the CEO and founder, says that when he started taking the pill he remembers walking down the hall really fast thinking to himself - "Why am I walking down this hall really fast - I am walking down this hall REALLY FAST!" He also says he thought to himself - "how can something that gives me this much energy be legal!" Trust me though, everything in this product is all natural, extremely safe.....and yes it is also legal. :)
In Kyle's case he felt a little increase in energy but the main effect he had from the pill was his body warmed up. The kind of warm feeling you have during a work out. "The nice thing" - Kyle says, "These symptoms subsided after about 3 days". These are the same things we have heard from countless people who have taken the weight loss pill. Whatever symptoms they have experienced: "Climbing the walls, racing heart, jittery, excessive talking, dry mouth, extreme thirst, warm/hot flashes, feeling like you are running a mile a minute" - all seem to subside quite a bit or completely after about 3-4 days of being on the pill. One of the side affects of the pill that has not subsided though is the lack of wanting to snack - this is a good thing though....right? Your body is getting use to this extreme increase in energy and stamina. Your energy should still remain high and those who actually combine taking the Velocity weight loss pill and Amazon PowrBlend have experienced great energy throughout the day. This is what Kyle started doing on September 6th. He is taking at least 1 packet of Amazon PowrBlend a day in addition to his Velocity Weight loss pill. I remember the first day he took the PowrBlend - in addition to his weight loss pill - he walked up the stairs, a short time later, to where I was sitting at the computer and said, "WOW I've got some energy!" - "What should we do now!"
Kyle adding the Amazon PowrBlend to his diet each day, in addition to the Velocity pill, could possibly be increasing and aiding in him losing more weight then if he wasn't taking it. We can't prove this though and wouldn't know unless we had two of him to run separate tests on. Too bad he isn't a test rat :)
*Kyle has also mentioned that his desire to snack between meals has almost completely diminished. He said that before taking the pill he was constantly looking for something salty, sugary or sweet to snack on. Now he no longer feels that urge. Don't get me wrong though - he does still crave a shake now and then but he doesn't seem to eat it all or he puts it in the freezer while he eats dinner and then he forgets about it. Actually last week he did this and finally a week later he remembered he had one in the fridge.
Kyle and Dr. Gary Sanderson also stress that you must have a good breakfast before taking the pill. It is important to not take it on an empty stomach and you need a good breakfast to jump start your metabolism to help increase the effects the Velocity pill has on you and so your body doesn't go into starvation mode. You need to eat regularly and keep your body fueled for the Velocity pill to work properly. Even if you don't feel hungry - make sure you do not skip any meals.
According to Dr. Gary Sanderson [Medical Board of Director member] you also need to have a nutritionally balanced diet and exercise 5-6 times per week to get the full benefits of Velocity.
[Beginning weight: 303 pounds] - August 29th
As of Kyle's doctor appointment on Tuesday, September 6th - he has lost 8 pounds.
[Down to 295 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Saturday, September 10th and he has lost 11 pounds now.
[Down to 292 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Saturday, September 17th and he has lost 16 pounds now.
[Down to 287 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Wednesday, September 21st and he has lost 20 pounds now.
[Down to 283 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Thursday, October 20th and he has lost 28 pounds now.
[Down to 275 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Tuesday, November 8th and he has lost 36 pounds now.
[Down to 267 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Sunday, November 20th and he has lost 41 pounds now.
[Down to 262 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Sunday, November 20th and he has lost 41 pounds now.
[Down to 262 pounds]
WAHOO!! He is doing so Awesome. We just bought him a gym pass for the year to the PG Rec Center - so I am hoping we'll get him going their soon. :) I can only imagine what he will start losing once he gets his sweating going on.
Kyle weighed in on Thursday, December 22nd and he has lost 45 pounds now.
[Down to 258 pounds]
**I have just started adding some exercise to my daily routine. I walk 3 miles a day when I can.
Kyle weighed in on Monday, January 2nd and he has lost 51 pounds now.
[Down to 252 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Wednesday, January 25th and he has lost 60 pounds now.
[Down to 243 pounds]
Kyle weighed in on Monday, February 6th and he has lost 65 pounds now.
[Down to 238 pounds]
**Kyle is more than HALF WAY to his WEIGHT LOSS GOAL!!
Kyle weighed in on Saturday, March 10th and he has lost 70 pounds now.
[Down to 233 pounds]
Well, I can Believe is just amazing!
*Kyle I am so proud of you and your dedication and decision to a healthier, more active life.
Thank You 1Vizn for coming into our lives and making our whole family healthier!!
I am not wanting to lose any weight right now but I was so excited to get started on taking the "Amazon PowrBlend" to get the much needed Antioxidants into my body to stay healthy and have much better looking and glowing skin.
I started taking the Amazon PowrBlend on Tuesday, September 6th.
I took the PowrBlend right before I left for the Gym to do my Zumba workout with my awesome instructor, Andrea. I usually come home from the gym feeling so tired and needing a nap but when I got home from the gym on Tuesday I felt great. No sluggish feeling at all.
I took the PowrBlend dry - because it actually tastes better if you don't mix it with water. I dump it into my mouth in small amounts and chase with water. This way I can actually taste the different fruits in it. You do want to shake the packet before taking it though because for some reason it tastes like some of the nastier stuff will settle at the bottom and the last drop kind of tastes gross. When I am in a hurry though I will drop the contents of a package into about 1-2 oz. of water stir it up, let it dissolve for a minute - then drink. Then I'll swish a little more water around in the cup to pick up all the remaining blend and drink. No, the PowrBlend does not taste like some yummy V8 juice and that is because it doesn't have sugar or artificial sweeteners added to it. They added Honey Powder to give it a little sweeter taste though. I like it though - and I like it even better knowing that my body LOVES it! I am becoming much more healthier and I am looking forward to hardly ever getting sick because of the powerful Antioxidants I am taking into my body.
[Sept 17th] I just got a great tip from Bruce Davis [CEO] today. He has tried the Amazon PowrBlend in about a 2-3 ounce glass of Orange Juice and said it tasted great. Kyle and I gave it a try today and we both agree with him. The PowrBlend does compliment the OJ very well and it actually gives a more fruity taste to the OJ. I recommend it. I bet it would also taste really good mixed in with a protein shake or smoothy - give it a try and let me know what you think.
You can see what ingredients are included in the "Amazon PowrBlend" here:
And read more in depth about the Super Fruits that are used in this amazing PowrBlend here:
**I started taking the Velocity pill on Monday, September 19th. I had heard from the CEO that a lot of people were taking the pill to get the energy from it and a 'side effect that they might encounter is weight loss'. :) I thought I would try the pill anyway so I could tell others what I experience from it and how it effects me - being on the smaller side.
I started out Monday -Thursday opening up the pill and dumping 1/2 the pills contents into a protein shake in the morning before my workout. While at the gym I experienced more energy while working out and when I got home from the gym I still felt great. I didn't experience any jitteriness, dry mouth, or any other symptoms I had heard others had experienced. On Friday I thought I would try a full pill in my protein shake and see how I would react to that. I had a great increase in Energy throughout my workout and my day and a great deal of focus and alertness. I was also taking the Amazon PowrBlend in the afternoon, which gave me a great boost of energy throughout the afternoons. I did experience a little bit of jitteriness around the time when I needed to eat. After I ate though I was just fine. I noticed that when I did eat I was not able to eat as much as I usually would. Sometimes I would make a full peanut butter and jelly sandwich but could only eat half of it. Then about an hour to an hour and a half later I would be hungry for the other half.
I unfortunately did not own a scale last week when I started taking the pill and I did not get to the store until Friday to purchase one. When I weighed myself I was 10 pounds less then when I weighed myself a couple of months ago but I have no idea if any of that weight was lost during that first week or if I had lost it prior. Again, I am not on this pill to lose weight though. I want to replace my fat with lean body mass and of course build me some muscle, which muscle does weigh more than fat -- so maybe with my weight training at the gym I'll be gaining weight with some big muscles soon. ;0) I am loving the increase in ENERGY that I am feeling daily though.
So this morning, September 29th. I came down to have my protein shake with my Velocity pill before going to the gym and I discovered that Kyle had taken the bottle of pills to work with him and we didn't have any extra bottles in the house so I couldn't take my pill this morning. My workout was very interesting this morning. I was very tired during my workout and my mind kept wondering and I kept messing up the routine in Zumba. I felt so UN-focused and lazy. I couldn't believe the difference that not being on the Velocity pill did for me. I hadn't taken my Amazon PowrBlend either. I am going to have to make sure I take the Velocity Pill again tomorrow and see what kind of difference I experience.
** [Oct 20th] I am down 2 more pounds - that I know is definitely a result of Velocity. I can definitely see it in my face. My cheeks are more cut and no more little double chin [at least I could see it].
MY Testimonial:
****************************************************************************Other People [I know] Testimonials about 1ViZN's products:
I started taking Velocity 16 days ago and I have lost between a half pound to a pound a day [total weight loss so far is 12 pounds]. I take between a half to three fourths of a full Velocity pill mixed with a protein shake at 8 am every morning. I have noticed that it cuts my appetite in half and I have more energy but mainly I am not thinking about food all day.
[Natalie Sanderson]
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